Trestle Bridge Jig
I started working on the trestle bridge for the garden railroad today. Many years ago... hmmm... perhaps many decades ago... I designed and built a small N scale trestle bridge. This trestle bridge I am building now is a little different because it is so much larger. This garden railroad trestle bridge will be approximately eight times larger in scale alone... and far longer.. and far taller... and on a sweeping compound curve. That N scale bridge was tiny, short, and only a very mild curve... I think I only needed to make four bents (trestles) while I am now needing 14 giant large scale bents that will take up a lot of space. I ripped a bunch of wood on the table saw and then built a jig. The jig will make it easy to accurately replicate each bent so they will all be the same. The height of each will be different, however, because the ground slopes downward throughout this rather long compound cu...