Moon Through Telescope
This evening, I was sorting through all the photos I shot through my new telescope the other night and came across a few series of images that might be worth processing. So, below is another photo from that "first light" observing session. Unfortunately, most of the photos I shot the other night were very underexposed so some detail and crispness has been lost due to that mistake. In this particular series of photos, the images were all grossly underexposed but I thought I might be able to salvage something out of them so I loaded the series of photos into Photoshop as a stack of layers. Just like the two other photos I shared the other night, the final image is a 96 megapixel image after processing it. I started with seven images and stacked them... adjusted levels... did some noise reduction because I had to lift the levels a bit too far after starting with gross underexposure... some selective sharpening... I removed some chromatic abberations along the top edge of the...