Montshire Museum of Science, Part 2 - Indoors

After writing about outdoors in a previous blog entry, now, we'll visit indoors at the Montshire Museum of Science. Sheila had been to the Montshire many times before with her own children when they were young children so there were no surprises for her nor was there much discovering for her to do. I, however, had never visited this museum before so it was all new to me... same for Lukey and Kenzie. It was a time to discover new territory! The entrance of the museum is very nice... clean, very well organized, and the task lighting throughout the museum is very effective and it creates a nice mood. We quickly and easily paid our admission at the front desk and moved into all the science exhibits and interactive stations. Once we showed Lukey and Kenzie what to do at these mirrors (the lead photo here), they had a lot of fun trying different things! At first, when I pointed out this mirror, I think they were saying to themselves, "so what?... it's a mirror, Papa.....