
Showing posts with the label decorating

It's Christmastime

I t looks like we missed our surprisingly long window of unseasonably warm weather in the 70s everyday so we chose to decorate inside the house for Christmas today rather than the cold damp outdoors through this weekend.  Decorating outdoors was our plan but, honestly, I have no desire to be out there when the temperature gets down to around 40 degrees.    I was thinking that the unseasonably warm weather we've had for months would continue through Thanksgiving.  Why would I think the temperature would drop suddenly to early winter temperatures?   We've had weather consistently in the 70s for months so I was expecting the everyday highs to slowly and steadily drop to the 60s for a bit...  then the 50s...  then the 40s.  I thought I had all sorts of time before needing to decorate outside.  Instead, we went from the 70s everyday to the possibility of snow for the foreseeable future.  I think our outdoor Christmas decorating may be mi...

Christmas Season!

Okay, the lousy holiday of Thanksgiving is now out of the way. The nausea is behind us and we are both feeling significantly better today. It is time to move on to the next holiday. For some strange reason, the Scrooges of the world (I think most of them come from a dull place called  Bluesville) have some ridiculous rule that Christmas can't appear until after Thanksgiving.  Well, gruesome Thanksgiving is behind us and we are now celebrating Christmas! We spent much of the day decorating for Christmas. The weather has been snowy so we already have four foot banks of snow surrounding the house making it difficult to decorate for Christmas as we usually do so we are a little light on our decorations outdoors this year. Nevertheless, we managed to do some decorating today. As I type this blog entry, Sheila is decorating the Christmas tree in the living room. I already put together the tree in the stand and basket at the base of the tree. Then I put a few strings of lights ...

Decorating for Christmas Already

Today was sunny and near 70 degrees so we took advantage of the beautiful, unseasonable weather to get our outdoor Christmas decorating out of the way. It felt great to have a very productive day... first time in months! I'm usually outdoors putting up Christmas decorations in mid-December... in weather in the 30s... raining... soaked and freezing so badly that my fingers will no longer move. This year we got lucky! They say we have about a foot of snow arriving tomorrow but I'll believe it when I see it. Regardless, the outside of the house is ready for the holidays. We even managed to get a head start on indoors. We don't plan to get all of the indoor stuff done this weekend but we will be close! We even put about 1400 lights on that tall, neatly trimmed tree in the background...   We've been on a roll with decorating and needed to pull out all the storage bins since they weren't labeled by "indoor decorations" and "outdoor decoratio...