It's Christmastime
I t looks like we missed our surprisingly long window of unseasonably warm weather in the 70s everyday so we chose to decorate inside the house for Christmas today rather than the cold damp outdoors through this weekend. Decorating outdoors was our plan but, honestly, I have no desire to be out there when the temperature gets down to around 40 degrees. I was thinking that the unseasonably warm weather we've had for months would continue through Thanksgiving. Why would I think the temperature would drop suddenly to early winter temperatures? We've had weather consistently in the 70s for months so I was expecting the everyday highs to slowly and steadily drop to the 60s for a bit... then the 50s... then the 40s. I thought I had all sorts of time before needing to decorate outside. Instead, we went from the 70s everyday to the possibility of snow for the foreseeable future. I think our outdoor Christmas decorating may be mi...