
Showing posts with the label Portsmouth NH

Art Therapy... when possible...

As I wrote in my last blog entry, my health has been quite poor the past week or so.  Actually, my health has been pretty lousy for the past few months but the past week has been miserable, poor at best. When my energy levels get as low has they have been the past week, I really find it difficult to even care for myself nevermind accomplish something... anything... either for myself personally or for the home. This is something I struggle with almost daily. The Beresford from Central Park All that being said, my plan of attack for this illness and any chronic illness is to find a way to be productive. Being productive provides a sense of purpose. Just 'surviving' through each day is not living... it is not productive... and it is hard to find purpose when one is just 'surviving' rather than 'living'. This is just as dangerous as the illness itself. We all need purpose... we need to be productive, if only occasionally... we need to 'live' and cel...