"You Must Have a Really Good Camera!"
Imagine this... You invite some family and friends to your house for a dinner party. You spend time leading up to the party planning a nice menu which is flavorful and exciting. You spend time shopping for all the perfect ingredients for your amazing meal. Then you spend hours preparing and cooking the meal before everyone sits down at the table. The moment your guests see, smell and taste your well prepared meal, you hear the "ahhh's" and "mmmmm's". You are relieved to hear the sounds of happy dinner guests... until... a thoughtless and somewhat dim, foolish guest loudly exclaims for all to hear, "This is DELICIOUS... you must have great pots!" Photo shot using a $79 camera... Absolutely ridiculous, is it not? Unfortunately, this is exactly the same as when some thoughtless, somewhat dim person states, "This picture is beautiful... you must have a really good camera!" Let me explain a little by going back to the ...