A Scrapped Portrait

Whenever I upload photos from my camera to my computer after a day of shooting, I am always excited to sort through the photos. This is when I set up another folder so I can move the "keepers" to their own folder. If I am satisfied with the photos I consider "keepers", I consider the shoot a success. The reasons why a photo doesn't end up in the "keepers" folder can vary greatly. Sometimes the composition isn't what I had in mind. Sometimes focus is off or there is some blurry camera shake. Sometimes the exposure is off enough that I've clipped highlights or shadows. Other times the results are just not what I was hoping for when I shot the image. It is these photos which just didn't meet my expectations that I find I need to revisit after a few days, weeks, or sometimes months. I find that if I take a break from the photos and then come back to them later, I see things differently. I just went through the photos from Adam...