Health Update
I haven't been writing much lately and I know that most people think that no news is good news. That sentiment, however, is completely wrong in most cases. We really have nothing but lousy news about lousy health to report. I'm still knocked down with a miserable cold of some sort. I feel quite lousy and because my body is fighting off a cold, it is making my mast cells even more active. The mast cell disease causes my mast cells to be overactive already so adding more over-activity due to a cold makes my primary illness a bit worse. I find myself seesawing between extra medications for my mast cell disease and extra medications for the annoying cold. All this sickness nonsense started sometime between Christmas and New Year's Eve. I think it was a cold at that point. Then, sometime in January it sort of progressed into a flu bug with lymph nodes swollen and painful, exhaustion, bone and joint pain, and all the typical cold and flu sym...