Hectic But Productive

I had a hectic but productive day today. I was pulled from one project to another project in mid-project over and over again today but I eventually got back to each project so I'd say I had a productive day. My main plan for today was to get back to working on the truss bridge I am building for our garden railroad but I kept getting interrupted. Our roads have been dug up for the past few months as they install a new water main. They have already finished our road so the next crew is now coming by to run the water from the new main to our house. So, while I was working on the brass truss plates for my model truss bridge, I was interrupted by someone from these crews working on the water. He wanted to prep our house for connection so I helped him with that for a bit. That is a whole other story that I don't want to get into at the moment so I'll get back to my day. After helping the guy at the front of our house, I went back to working on the truss plates....