A Day of Landscaping

After turning over the ground in the front flowerbed...
I had a good day of health yesterday and it was beautiful outside so we spent the day out in the yard doing our first day of landscaping for this year. 

As I've written many times before, it is a rarity when my health cooperates with the weather... good health coinciding with good weather... so, after two weeks of pretty lousy health, it felt awesome to be doing something physical and being productive for a change!

We cleaned up the flowerbeds... I turned the ground over... weeded out clumps of weeds... raked... weeded again... leveled... added wildflower seeds... lightly raked again to cover most of the seeds... while Sheila pulled weeds and rearranged plantings in another flowerbed. 

One of the flowerbeds, weeded and seeded...
I got the weedwhacker running and knocked down some of the longer grass where the mower can't access... I also got the lawnmower running and cut the lawn. 

The yard is looking much, much cleaner now! I have to say it was pretty shaggy before yesterday. 

My spine was exceptionally inflamed last night but I'm feeling okay today after some anti-inflammatory medications and some much needed sleep while off my feet. 

It was a really nice day spent with Sheila. Actually, the entire weekend has been nice. 

We have the grandchildren today so it will be a busy day with the kids and we'll be having a nice roast beef dinner with gravy, yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes, and fresh green beans. I'm definitely looking forward to dinner!  
The white gravel covers our septic tank (and it looks out of place)... we'll be covering the
white gravel with a wood grate because this is where our water hand pump and hose is located.
That is another project on my long list of things-to-do when
my health and the weather cooperate.
