A Six Month Haircut
L ukey and Kenzie are staying with us for a few days again. Tomorrow we plan to go on a cruise on Lake Champlain and tonight we're hoping to get a fire going in the backyard if the weather cooperates. We're having Pork Street Tacos for dinner tonight... one of our favorite dishes. The pork loin is slow roasted on the grill with a dry rub. After it reaches temperature, I add a glaze to the meat. While that sets for a bit, I grill some pineapple brushed with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. After grilling, I chop that up. I will saute some onions until the onions are slightly caramelized. We also have a mix of spring greens to add to the street tacos. Each taco is wrapped up in a warm tortilla with a delicious sauce that is both slightly spicy and citrusy with a sour cream base, the caramelized onions, the chopped grilled pineapple, the spring greens, and sliced slow cooked glazed pork. My mouth is watering now! Afte...