Art With Lukey
K enzie had spent a few days with us last week and, during that visit, she and I did a couple of art projects. This week, both Lukey and Kenzie were with us so we pulled out the art supplies again. Kenzie didn't feel like painting so Lukey and I tackled what I initially thought would be a simple project. Honestly, in hindsight, it was not the best project for someone completely new to watercolors but we still pressed on and did the best we could. We chose to paint a silhouetted girl on a swing against a colorful sky. Since the girl on the swing was silhouetted, we wouldn't have to worry about depth nor details. What I didn't think about was how difficult it would be to paint the fine lines of the rope holding the swing. Drawing is one thing once a child learns to control a pencil but painting fine lines is completely different and requires a different skillset. Painting fine lines is really a skill that requires a lot of practice. Th...