More Medical Appointments Scheduled
M y oncologist scheduled a few more appointments for me over the past couple of days. I'm now scheduled to head up to the hospital on March 8th. We'll head to the lab first for some bloodwork and then we head to Oncology for the bone marrow biopsy procedure. I have some extra medications to take a couple of hours before the procedure too but that has already been discussed with a plan in place and medications already on hand. A few weeks later, I have a video visit with my oncologist to discuss which direction to go with this. She did point out, however, that if we find any serious incidental findings in the bone marrow biopsy then we would meet much sooner. She actually mentioned that multiple times when we last spoke which is probably a hint that she suspects something else could be amiss. My primary care doctor also set me up for a FITS Colon Screening test in late February. That is so simple that it is not even worth ...