Still Recovering

Yesterday, for the most part, was a better day, healthwise, than I've had in a long while.  I still did have problems at one point last night but, overall, it was my best health day since before my hospital visit.  

I had another relatively short and mild episode of breathing difficulty last night.  I was cooking dinner and had some breathing issues.  I definitely can't take the heat in the kitchen!  I do need to prepare meals though so I try to minimize my health problems by leaving the kitchen while I'm cooking.  I return a couple of minutes later to check on the meal, then leave again to the living room where it is cooler.  Regardless, I still ended up having some breathing issues last night...  again.

I took some extra medications again before heading the bed and I think that helped.  I didn't have any breathing problems after that.  Another plus was that the medication I took makes me drowsy so I ended up sleeping through the night.  Actually, I slept for about 11 hours.  That was the first night of decent sleep I've had since more than a week ago.

I sat at the piano for a very short while this morning.  I wasn't able to play at my level so I played some pieces at an early intermediate level...  rather slowly and lightly.  I was only able to handle doing that for about 15 minutes though before I started feeling a bit lousy again.  

I'll be laying low again for the rest of the day.  On the positive side, my health seems to be slowly improving and becoming more stable.
