
Showing posts from November 11, 2018

Microscopy Refresher

In my zeal to stay ahead of the grandkids' education so I am able to continue to converse with them about anything they may care to share or question, I am constantly trying to stay on top of my own education. Fortunately, I enjoy research and educating myself so I do this everyday anyway.  I spent a lot of time during my primary and secondary education using microscopes for a wide variety of subjects. Even my college engineering education required the use of microscopes on occasion. For my last year of college, I was also a student teacher teaching various aspects of civil engineering to underclassmen. At times, even this required some microscope use. I also used microscopes in my physics classes at the Merchant Marine Academy. As if all of that wasn't enough microscope use, I've had my own microscope since around sixth grade. Now, many decades later, I like watching the grandkids' interests and knowledge evolve so I'm constantly trying to introduce them to new...