Kind of a Lousy Night
A lthough we didn't need to head to the hospital again last night, it was still a rather lousy night. I felt lousy enough that wasn't sure I wouldn't be back at the hospital again. After arriving home from the hospital yesterday morning, we each ate something small. Sheila fell asleep on the couch immediately after eating. I fought falling asleep for a couple of hours fearing that I might slip back into severe anaphylaxis while sleeping. I eventually got about four hours of sleep though. We ate a bit again in the late afternoon. I was feeling "okay"... not great but not terrible. I was sore from all the violent shivering the night before and exhausted from a lack of sleep and all my body went through with the multiple bouts of anaphylaxis. By early evening on Saturday, I wasn't feeling all that great again. I was occasionally gasping for breath and I was now crampy, nauseated, and experiencing diarrhea... all typical mast...