Kind of a Lousy Night

Although we didn't need to head to the hospital again last night, it was still a rather lousy night.  I felt lousy enough that wasn't sure I wouldn't be back at the hospital again.

After arriving home from the hospital yesterday morning, we each ate something small.  Sheila fell asleep on the couch immediately after eating.  I fought falling asleep for a couple of hours fearing that I might slip back into severe anaphylaxis while sleeping.  I eventually got about four hours of sleep though.  

We ate a bit again in the late afternoon.  I was feeling "okay"...  not great but not terrible.  I was sore from all the violent shivering the night before and exhausted from a lack of sleep and all my body went through with the multiple bouts of anaphylaxis.

By early evening on Saturday, I wasn't feeling all that great again.  I was occasionally gasping for breath and I was now crampy, nauseated, and experiencing diarrhea...  all typical mast cell problems associated with systemic mastocytosis.  I had pumped quite a bit of extra medications throughout the day but now I was pumping even more extra medications.  I definitely did not want another visit to the hospital that night...  nor anytime soon.  

Regardless, I decided to plan ahead and pack a bag in case we did need to head to the hospital so I packed a bag and placed it at the side door in the laundry room.  That is how lousy I was feeling.

I spent quite a bit of time in the bathroom feeling quite lousy with nausea and diarrhea.  That was a clear sign that now it was time to add a lot of extra H2 blockers to all the extra H1 blockers I had already been pumping into my body all day.  

Sheila and I headed to bed at around 7:30pm last night.  We were both exhausted from the previous night spent in the hospital with absolutely no sleep whatsoever.  Once again, I fought falling asleep for fear of slipping into anaphylaxis in my sleep.  This has happened to me in the past and it is extremely dangerous because, if I'm sleeping, I can't administer the necessary drugs to counter the anaphylaxis.  I was probably asleep by 8:00 or 8:30pm though.  

Aside from a few trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I think I slept fairly well.  I got up at 6:00am this morning.  I'll probably sleep a couple more hours on the couch this morning after I eat something....  then eat something small for lunch...  sleep some more...  then dinner....  and early bed again.  I'll continue pumping a lot of extra medications through the day today as well as tomorrow. 

So far, there has been no need for another hospital visit and I hope that continues!
