Lens Tripod Mount
I've been using an old Olympus telephoto lens on my Panasonic Micro Four Thirds camera bodies for wildlife photography. Well, I also use my Sony camera bodies at times but I'm lacking fast-focusing long lenses for my Sony bodies so I lean toward the micro four thirds bodies for this purpose. These micro four thirds cameras and lenses are indeed "micro" sized and that is one of the major reasons I have this Panasonic gear. Relatively small and lightweight is a very good thing when it comes to my extensive spinal injuries. I've used this long Olympus telephoto lens quite often when in my kayak shooting loons, ducks, hawks and eagles but this old lens is just a little too large and a little too long for easy handholding for such a fast moving type of photography. Of course, when I'm sitting in a small kayak, I don't have much of a choice but to handhold this lens. It is a challenge to keep such a long lens trained on my subject especially when in a roll...