Ready For Playing

O ur homemade Giant Jenga game is now ready for playing in our backyard! After I finished sanding all the 2x4 pieces with 220 grit sandpaper (which was after 80 grit and 120 grit), I waxed every piece and then polished the wax until it was smooth and slick. I also waxed the top of the leveling base. Now every piece is very smooth and looks nothing like a typical framing 2x4 which is how this wood started! Each of these pieces started very rough when I first cut the 2x4s to length. Now they are looking nothing like a typical framing 2x4. For some reason, I thought that the relatively easy process of applying wax and then polishing it would go very quickly but, as usual as my health worsens and I get older, I was very wrong in my time estimate. I think the waxing required even more of my time than sanding with the last grit of sandpaper did and that took far longer than I anticipated! I found that I could only wax and polish 12 of the pieces...