An Unplanned Small Project

S ometime back about seven or eight years ago, I installed a new hardwood floor in one of our bedrooms to be used "temporarily" as a multi-purpose room until we get further along in our renovations. This room is slated to be the "train room" when we eventually finish playing musical chairs with bedrooms and renovations. It actually is more like playing that numbered tiles game where you slide the numbered tiles to get them in numerical order. In order to renovate one room, we need to move a few tiles out of place to make room for the appropriate tile. Our numbers are still quite scrambled here for a variety of reasons though so this room is still a multi-purpose room. So about seven years ago, I built a walk-in closet, repaired the walls and ceiling, painted the room, installed a hardwood floor and baseboard trim. After I installed the hardwood floor over the subfloor, I built some display shelves right next to the door to the room. My pla...