New Keyboard and Mouse
New HP Envy desktop computer with Beats Audio... Excellent audio for a home computer! I had mentioned in a previous blog post a few weeks ago that my computer had stopped working and that finding a new one proved to be a difficult, time-consuming task. Within a week or so, I had a new HP Envy desktop computer delivered to my door. Money is always an issue for us considering the medical bills for both Sheila and me with our respective illnesses so this was a costly problem we did not welcome. We've certainly had more serious and costly 'emergency' problems but this was a problem we needed to address as soon as possible in today's electronic world. This computer issue sort of bumped a few more projects around the house. My health hasn't been cooperating for home renovations anyway so that slows down renovations which helps with the budget issues. Buying a new computer always involves extra costs though. There is software to replace which can total more than...