Cleaning a Mouse
I've been collecting all the photography-related things I'll need to pack for our Christmas trip to Manhattan. I'm trying to stay as small and as lightweight as possible while still bringing enough high quality gear to get excellent photos and video. It has been a bit of a struggle but I think I've narrowed down my photography gear making for perhaps the lightest travel photography bag I've ever had on any trip. I usually pack my small Microsoft Surface tablet for storing photos at the end of each day and for some quick blog updates with photos. My Surface is getting very old and the keyboard is actually falling apart now because of its age and the amount of use it has gotten over the past ten years so I'm packing a newer and, unfortunately, larger laptop that I use exclusively for astronomy. This laptop has a touchpad but I'm not too fond of touchpads so I planned to bring along my old Microsoft Arc portable mouse from my Surface. I dug out this litt...