
Showing posts with the label updates

Streaming and TeleVisits

D uring the pandemic, my oncologist was only doing televisits for her regular patients.  I'd still go the hospital for all my bloodwork and other tests but our discussions about the every six month test results would be done over the internet on streaming video as well as through messages in the hospital portal. Since the pandemic, we've been back to visits in the hospital.  This was mostly due to my insistence though.  The last time we attempted a televisit, I was sent the wrong link...  or my oncologist was given the wrong link...  which meant it was a missed appointment and a waste of an hour for me since I had logged on early enough to not miss my doctor.  Then I stayed online using the provided link for another 30 minutes after our appointment starting time.  I eventually got a notification for a missed appointment.   Needless to say, I responded to this "missed appointment" notification informing them we (Sheila and me) were indeed onli...