A Really Miserable Week
In my previous blog entry, I mentioned that I've been experiencing more than a week of quite miserable health. Since I sort of use my blog as a journal for some of the more significant health issues, I suppose I should write about this here. At first, I thought maybe I was experiencing food poisoning... but, sometime in the middle of this holiday weekend, Sheila began to get, stomach cramps and diarrhea too. Now I'm thinking I've been trying to shake a virus... and history has proven that due to my health issues, I sometimes need a few months to shake something like this... or, sometimes I can shake it in a week or two. Time will tell. I was in and out of the bathroom for more than a week... about eight solid days of sickening diarrhea. This isn't "typical" diarrhea of a relatively healthy person who ate something nasty. This was more like the typical diarrhea of people struggling with Systemic Mastocytosis and/or various carcinoid tumors. I'm going to...