Annual Christmas Visit to Church Street
Church Street Every year, we put aside one afternoon and evening for an annual visit to Church Street during the Christmas season. Yesterday ended up being the perfect day for this annual event. Church Street is a nice place to visit anytime but it is especially nice at Christmastime. Yesterday was no exception and the Christmas spirits must have been looking down upon us, providing laughter, warmth, Christmas cheer and even some snow! Wendy, one of Sheila's coworkers, joined us yesterday at Ri Ra's for the first time. Actually, she got there a little bit prior to we did and saved some prime seats for us! She was a nice addition to some of our usual attendees... Frank, Christine and Liza. I do believe everyone had a really nice time. We did have one casualty yesterday... I dropped a lens and damaged it beyond repair. I wasted half my shots yesterday trying to shoot photos with a lens which consistently missed focus before I realized that my shots were all out o...