Sheila's New Office Chair

S ince Sheila is back working from home for the foreseeable future again due to the devastating flooding in Montpelier, she decided we need to do something about her office chair. She's been using an upholstered side chair since the beginning of the pandemic but she found that chair uncomfortable and it was bothering her back so it was time to do something about finding her a more comfortable chair. We briefly looked at options for a "standing desktop" but those would raise her monitors too much when in the sitting position at her desk so we nixed that idea rather quickly. We were back to trying to decide on a new office chair that Sheila would find comfortable. It didn't matter whether nine out of ten people found a particular chair comfortable. We needed to find one that Sheila finds comfortable. Buying online is our primary option here in Vermont and has been for decades. The choices locally are extremely slim and always have been. This...