
Showing posts with the label maggie the clown

Video of Train Show Weekend

Throughout various points over the course of our train show weekend, I shot a few video clips in different places while everyone was doing different things.  Naturally, I included a few short clips from the train show itself...  a few minutes of Maggie the Clown's show...  a couple of short video clips of the pool at the hotel...  and, a few short clips from The Munich Haus German restaurant.   Lukey was lucky enough to be chosen to be part of Maggie and Clown's magic act.  He spent a few minutes on stage with Maggie and another child from the audience.  Naturally, Papa shot video of the whole thing so that Lukey could view the video any time he wants while visiting us.  Unfortunately, when we arrived home and I transferred the photos and video clips to my desktop computer, I immediately noticed that I screwed up the entire video of Lukey being on stage!  I wasn't paying attention to the camera as I watched Lukey and I paid the price.....

Maggie the Clown at the Train Show

Okay, this blog entry should be the end of video clips from the train show in January. I had a lot of clips to put together! Fortunately, I was able to split them up into four separate videos so they are a bit more tolerable to watch. This video was put together with just a few clips of Maggie the Clown doing her show...  The kids always seem to enjoy her and she seems to enjoy interacting with the kids throughout the entire weekend!

Thoughts of Upcoming Train Show

As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, my health has been a bit lousy since my medical appointment earlier in the week. As a result, not much has been accomplished around the house other than making meals and cleaning myself up. It is during these quiet times when I have a little time to take notice of things I normally don't have the energy nor time to notice. This afternoon I decided to check my blog statistics to see how many people are viewing my blog, where these people are located, which pages they visit, which blog entries they read and how they found my blog. This is something I try to do at least once a week. The results are often interesting. More often than not, most of the people reading my blog are those researching chronic illness and my illness, Systemic Mastocytosis. Sometimes, however, a different blog entry will capture some attention and the tide of visitors shifts. This time of year usually finds traffic from a different source when compared to the rest of...

Maggie the Clown

Sheila's dad, Will, is quite tall but looks like a  young kid next to Maggie!   It's funny...  I can actually see the little boy in Will  in this photo! I suppose  there is a little  boy  in each of us which shines through at these shows... Most people don't like being called a clown... but Maggie the Clown does! She seems to thrive on being a clown and entertaining kids. There is no doubt that Maggie is good at what she does and she enjoys doing it! In all the years we have been attending the annual Amherst Railway Society train show, Maggie the Clown has been an active participant in keeping the young kids entertained all through the weekend. Maggie personally greeted Lukey and Kenzie shortly after they arrived at the show... she introduced herself and invited them to her show... offered them balloons... and we learned a bit more about Maggie this year... Maggie the Clown actually lives on a train! She is a clown with the Ringling Brother...