Honored at The National Museum of the Air Force

The official Air Force letter, signed by Sheila, notifying me that a 'Legacy Data Plate' in my name will be installed at the entrance to the National Museum of the Air Force. On Christmas morning, Sheila informed me that she had arranged for me to be honored at the National Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, Ohio! How is that for a nice Christmas surprise? In the official Air Force notification letter, Sheila wrote, "...what better way of immortalizing and honoring the airman you are and the highlights of your impressive and proud, albeit short career, than in a place of honor and respect at the National Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio." Personally, I can think of no better place for this honor. A beautiful aviation-style stainless steel 'Legacy Data Plate' in my name will be mounted on the "Wall of Honor" at the entrance to the museum. This Legacy Data Plate will include my name, my specialty, my branc...