Good Day Not Without Problems
I haven't mentioned much about my health in the last few blog entries so I thought I would add an update since my health has been quite lousy in recent months. No news definitely does not mean good news. A select few of those who read this blog might be wondering how things are going so I figured I would add a blog entry just about my current health. To start... I have long-COVID and actually have been struggling with long-COVID since mid-2020. This is on top of a rare myeloproliferative disorder and extensive spinal injuries. For those of you who may think that this long-COVID stuff is nonsense, I can advise you that this long-COVID stuff is relentless, severely debilitating and, usually, intensely painful. Anyone who thinks long-COVID (or even COVID) is nonsense or "like the flu" or "like a cold" is an ignorant fool. Anyone who doesn't see the dangerously dark direction this virus is headed for humanity is blissfully and selfishly blind...