The Warmth of a Fireplace

Who doesn't want a fireplace in their home? A fireplace conjures up feelings of warmth... physical as well as emotional... beautiful architectural details... the faint smell of burning wood... the crackling of the fire... the playful dance of the flame... and a place to hang your stockings at Christmastime. Fitting even a small fireplace in a small home can be almost impossible though. Fireplaces take up valuable real estate in any home. Actually, fireplaces often become a major feature in any room and can even be monumental in size. Even small fireplaces sometimes just can't fit into small homes... or can they? Preliminary sketch... We have a small home. Okay... we have a really small home. We have only three adults in the house but it is a tight fit. It is such a tight fit that we are having difficulty renovating the house. Where do we put all the stuff that is in the room we want to renovate while we are renovating? It i...