Solar Power

S ometime late last year, I purchased a relatively small but powerful power station. The primary use for this power station was for my astronomy gear but it has proven to be a useful power source for blackouts at the house. So far, I've been very happy with this little powerhouse. When I purchased the power station late last year, it was on sale at a very good price. This power station also has a portable solar panel array that you could purchase separately, if you needed, that could charge this power station using only solar power. Unfortunately, that portable solar panel array was priced a little higher than I was willing to pay at the time so I was waiting for it to drop in price. Shortly after purchasing the power station, I couldn't find the portable solar panel array anywhere. I kept this product in my Amazon Wishlist anyway. I would periodically check to see if it was in stock and, l ast week, I noticed not only was the portable sol...