The Groton Bald Eagles

I was sifting through some of my photos from this past summer and came across a few worth writing about and sharing here. As I've written before, we have two new residents at Lake Groton disrupting life on the lake... a pair of Bald Eagles. I knew I wanted to capture a few decent photos of these birds in flight. Anyone can go to a zoo to shoot a photo of a Bald Eagle sitting on the limb of a tree so I wanted to test my photography skills by capturing a few decent photos of this pair of eagles in flight. This first one is a little bit unusual in that the Bald Eagle is in silhouette against a cloudy sky. The eagle is flying from the darkened clouds to the light and clearer sky. I like the light in this photo and I actually like that silhouette... This next shot is a photo of one of the Bald Eagles circling over my head while looking for some prey. All the wildlife on the lake becomes silent and goes into hiding whenever either of these two Bald Eagles is flying within a mil...