
Showing posts with the label burning eyes

The Lingering Cold Is Now Behind Me... I Hope!

I've been fighting a cold for months. With my health as poor as it is, a cold can be a major health risk and problem. In January, I developed a typical winter cold. It lingered through to mid-April before abruptly worsening significantly. When this cold worsened, my nose was running like a waterfall... constantly. My eyes were irritated to the point of mildly burning. After a few days and a lot of cold medications, this runny nose turned into a constant post-nasal drip... or flow. This caused me to lose my voice and I started a bit of coughing. I was having great difficulty breathing and was wondering if maybe I was developing pneumonia. Subsequently, my energy level plummeted to the lowest of lows.  After two weeks of these significantly worsened cold symptoms and months of lingering cold symptoms, I think I am just about back to "normal"... as "normal" as I could be with Systemic Mastocytosis and extensive spinal injuries anyway. Funny thing is that the ...