More Tulips Bloomed
M ost of our 50 tulips have bloomed in our playhouse gardens. We have two new gardens flanking each side of the steps leading up to the playhouse. Kenzie and Gee did a good job at planting last fall. Thanks to Will and Sue's gift of tulip bulbs and Gee and Kenzie's work, we now have two very colorful tulip gardens in front of the playhouse! A few days ago, we started to worry about whether this tulip garden idea would work in this location. The few tulips that had bloomed weren't looking all that healthy. They were wilting a bit and the long leaves were sort of curling over. Actually, even those that hadn't bloomed yet weren't looking too healthy either. So, we were a bit worried. We weren't sure if maybe there is too little sun (which is true since these gardens are under a big tree) or if these young tulips were already somehow diseased in some way. I determined that the soil may have been a bit too wet especially for two gardens that ar...