Day 10 of Antibiotic
T oday is Day 10 of my antibiotic for my tick bite that occurred about 15 days ago. Hmmm... yeah... I guess it was two weeks ago last night that I pulled that tick off me. I still have another four days of this antibiotic and, so far, I seem to be recovering. I'm exhausted but I'm not feeling any of the symptoms that were very prevalent for a week or two after I pulled the big tick off me. As luck ( my luck... which is rarely good) would have it, when I awoke from my long afternoon nap today (almost four hours), I headed to the bathroom so I could shower before starting on cooking dinner. The moment I removed my shirt, I noticed a new bite on the inside of my left arm just above my elbow and there already appears to be a small bullseye developing around it. Other than going to the grocery store with Sheila last night, I really have not been outside in a couple of days. Well, I did walk out to get the mail around lunchtime both yeste...