May Be Over The Hump

It is still only 7pm but, so far, today is the first day that I don't have a fever since being bitten by a tick.  I have been in much need of some good news so not having a fever is quite a relief.  For 11 days, my health got progressively worse.  The worst days were the 10th and 11th days after finding the tick on me and those were quite bad days.

Right after pulling the tick off me, I was given a single mega-dose of antibiotic.  Unfortunately, that wasn't enough and my health worsened over the long Memorial Day weekend that immediately followed the tick bite.  After the weekend, I was called back into my doctor's office and they started me on the longest "at home" oral antibiotic treatment immediately.  So, those worst days at days 10 and 11 were only the 5th and 6th days on the long antibiotic treatment.  

Those 10th and 11th days were miserable and that was clearly indicated by my mood.  I don't remember the last time I was in such a miserable mood.  It seemed like every little thing grated on my nerves.  Even my coordination was poor.  I was constantly dropping things, tripping over things, and nothing seemed to be going my way which only made my mood even worse.  I had significant pain throughout my abdomen, joints and muscles.  My spinal injuries were flirting near intolerable levels.  

Anyway, today is the 12th day since I pulled the tick off me (the 7th day of the long antibiotic treatment) and today is the first day that I am seeing and feeling a bit of an improvement in my overall health.  Hopefully, this trend of recovery will continue.  

So, I finally have no fever today but the overwhelming fatigue is still quite prevalent.  I slept all afternoon again.  I managed to do some rebuilding of a model locomotive this morning (well...  mostly tearing down a big locomotive so I can rebuild it) so I had a relatively productive morning.  The pain in my abdomen is less today too.  It is still there but not really at a level that would concern me.  I had been feeling kidney and liver pain too but that pain is gone today too.  

I still have another week of antibiotic treatment so, at this point, I'm feeling as though that should be enough to wipe out whatever illness(es) that were transmitted to me.  It is important that I continue to remain fever-free otherwise we might need to move to the next step of treatment.  
