Another Down Day

I didn't accomplish much of anything today.  I'm still dealing with fevers coming and going throughout each day since my tick bite.  My fever(s) never got above 100 degrees today so that is sort of good.  

I'm still generally feeling quite lousy and I also had difficulty focusing on any one task so I ended up bouncing from one thing to another within minutes, never really accomplishing anything.  I'm still in quite a bit of pain which certainly affects my ability to focus...  although the pain isn't as bad as yesterday but I'm still in pain.  My joints and my muscles hurt.  I have a bit of a headache too.  

I stayed indoors today with the exception of wandering outside first thing this morning to water the flowers.  The first thing this morning the temperature outside was already up near 80 degrees!  Other than that, I was indoors all day long.  The weather was in the 90s again today and I don't do well in this type of heat even on a "good" health day so it should come as no surprise that I felt lousy while recovering from a tick bite and fevers too.  

I sat at the piano a few times for a short few minutes each time.  My ability to concentrate was near nil so trying to play piano was just an exercise in frustration.  I couldn't focus on what I was trying to play.  Most of my day was spent on the couch.  

While on the couch I did some research online as I watched Florida win in the NCAA Women's Softball semi-finals.  They have one more game in the semi-finals so I'll probably watch that again tomorrow since I suspect I'll be laying very low again tomorrow.  

Just as a record of my experiences with this tick bite (since I probably won't remember everything when I talk with my doctor again) I want to write a bit about my symptoms each day so I'll continue writing about how I'm feeling each day...  which, I admit, makes for some boring reading but it is necessary for now.
