Still Feverish, Still Feeling Like Crap

I know it is only Day 5 of this latest antibiotic but, still, I feel the need to mention that I feel like crap.  This second course of antibiotics will be for 14 days so I'm still fairly early in this second round of treatment.  I'm not all that confident in its effectiveness though.  I'm still getting fevers every night.  My abdomen hurts.  My joints hurt.  My muscles ache.  I still have a headache.  And, I just generally feel like crap.

What compounds this tick bite and whatever illness has been transmitted to me is the fact that I was still struggling with long-COVID when I found the tick on me.  So, between my mast cell symptoms, my long-COVID symptoms and now these tick illness symptoms, I'm not sure which thing is causing which symptoms.  There is no doubt that a few things suddenly came on and/or worsened after the tick bite so I'm fairly certain what is due to the tick bite.  Then again, the tick bite could be causing a worsening of my mast cell disease since mast cell respond to inflammation among other problems in the body.  

What isn't helping is it is too hot outside (near 90 degrees everyday) and I absolutely despise hot weather especially this early in our very short "summer season".  I have difficulty breathing in hot weather (80 degrees is my threshold) and I have been having difficulty with my breathing which is not fun by any stretch of the imagination especially when you feel like crap already.  My mast cells become far more overactive and degranulate in warm environments causing all sorts of additional problems that I don't need to get into here and now.

Our yard is filled with autumn-type dried up leaves falling from the trees.  This absurdly hot spring weather seems to be causing significant problems with many plants, trees and foliage.  As someone who worked through junior high school, high school and college as a landscaper specializing in landscape architecture, I can say that this is a very concerning climate pattern especially for a location that is so far north.  I vaguely remember complaining about this same thing last spring so I don't think this isn't the first spring seeing these concerning changes.

To make matters worse, my neighbors are pissing me off, so much so, that I'd like to sell this place to the worst possible buyer to make my neighbors lives' miserable.  I think I'm done keeping up the outside of the house and especially the landscaping.  After this tick bite, I have absolutely NO desire to spend any time out there anyway at least no more than absolutely necessary.  

Anyway, I'm still feeling like crap.  When I was initially cleaning up after pulling the tick off me about a week and a half ago, I mentioned to Sheila that "it looks like my summer is over".  At the time, I was honestly thinking I was exaggerating but it doesn't seem that way at the moment.  
