Day 10 of Antibiotic

Today is Day 10 of my antibiotic for my tick bite that occurred about 15 days ago.  Hmmm...  yeah...  I guess it was two weeks ago last night that I pulled that tick off me.  I still have another four days of this antibiotic and, so far, I seem to be recovering.  I'm exhausted but I'm not feeling any of the symptoms that were very prevalent for a week or two after I pulled the big tick off me.

As luck (my luck...  which is rarely good) would have it, when I awoke from my long afternoon nap today (almost four hours), I headed to the bathroom so I could shower before starting on cooking dinner.  The moment I removed my shirt, I noticed a new bite on the inside of my left arm just above my elbow and there already appears to be a small bullseye developing around it.  Other than going to the grocery store with Sheila last night, I really have not been outside in a couple of days.  Well, I did walk out to get the mail around lunchtime both yesterday and today.  For the most part, we've had a couple of days of thunderstorms so I have remained indoors. 

On the positive side, I'm already on the treatment that would also be administered for Lyme Disease.  However, if this bullseye becomes more prominent over the weekend (it is a Friday night again, naturally, so no doctor will be available until Monday), I guess I'll need to talk with my doctor.  

I'm not sure what we should do in this situation.  Time will tell.
