Pandemic Thanksgiving
We had a very nice and peaceful Thanksgiving yesterday... well, the best any Thanksgiving Day can be anyway... truthfully, Thanksgiving has always been my least favorite holiday and, actually, perhaps in the Top Three of my least favorite days of the year... regardless, we had a nice, peaceful and relaxing Thanksgiving during this pandemic. We were able to video chat with the family... Adam and Joi, in California while Adam is in Air Force Leadership School... Whitney and Ellie, at home, with Ellie being the physical comedy comedian she is... and, of course, some video time with Liza, Kenzie and Lukey. Video chatting is an everyday occurrence here anyway but it was nice to see all the grandkids yesterday. Somehow we missed video chatting with Will and Sue so we'll need to attempt that sometime this afternoon. Dinner was nice for a turkey dinner. The weakest dish of the dinner, by far, was the turkey breast and Sheila agreed. I...