Little Additional Project

A s I've mentioned in this blog previously, we've been in the process of getting a new water supply to the house which has caused months of chaos not only in our neighborhood but for our schedule as well as for our home. They dug up the roads all summer long to install a new water main so we were trapped at home every now and then. On a good day, we'd have a detour and very rough roads to get out of our neighborhood. After installing the new water main in (well... far underneath) the street, they dug up each resident's property from the street to the house to lay pipe and then install water meters at the front each house. Now we are dealing with them connecting each house to the new water meters at the front end of our house. For us, unfortunately, we need the new water main to reach all the way toward the back end of the house. In order to get the water back to where the old water pipe comes up from underground, they had to run abou...