Water Hookup Prep

I had a rather lousy night last night and, consequently, only got about four hours of sleep.  Regardless, I needed to do some work in preparation of our water being hooked up to the new water main in the street.  

Yesterday, I spoke with one of the guys from the crew doing the hookups to find out their plan.  I needed to know their plan so I could do what is necessary to prep the house, clear a path, and then lightly tack everything up again.

This morning, I went outside to the back side of the house to make sure that the crew hooking up each house has clear access to the area under our house where the old water supply comes out of the ground.  This required about two hours of work.  

I'm exhausted now...  my knees are killing me...  my spinal injuries are killing me...  my bones hurt...  if I wasn't completely soaked in sweat, I'd probably just hit the couch and sleep for a few hours.  At this point (11am), I'll probably take my lunchtime medications, shower and then eat something before hitting the couch.  

On the positive side, I think we're ready for the work crews to hook us up...  I think...
