
Showing posts from November 18, 2018

Christmas Season!

Okay, the lousy holiday of Thanksgiving is now out of the way. The nausea is behind us and we are both feeling significantly better today. It is time to move on to the next holiday. For some strange reason, the Scrooges of the world (I think most of them come from a dull place called  Bluesville) have some ridiculous rule that Christmas can't appear until after Thanksgiving.  Well, gruesome Thanksgiving is behind us and we are now celebrating Christmas! We spent much of the day decorating for Christmas. The weather has been snowy so we already have four foot banks of snow surrounding the house making it difficult to decorate for Christmas as we usually do so we are a little light on our decorations outdoors this year. Nevertheless, we managed to do some decorating today. As I type this blog entry, Sheila is decorating the Christmas tree in the living room. I already put together the tree in the stand and basket at the base of the tree. Then I put a few strings of lights ...

It's Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving, as with most every Thanksgiving in my adult life, we are hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner with close friends.  We have done very little socializing in the past year due to a few different health issues starting with Sheila second bout of breast cancer and ending (hopefully) with my two and a half months of significantly poor health due to some poor decisions by a couple of so-called specialists. Needless to say, we're both looking forward to socializing with some close friends today! As most of my friends know, this is perhaps my least favorite holiday on the calendar for far too numerous reasons to mention here.  That being said, decades ago, I found that I do enjoy the day whenever I host a small gathering of friends for the day.  Better yet, I always enjoyed being on-duty in the Air Force and putting together a celebration for all those working with me. The same holds true for Christmas... which happens to be my favorite holiday on the calendar! S...