Train Show Statistics

According to the latest news I received from The Amherst Railway Society, the organizers of the annual Amherst Railway Society's Railroad Hobby Show have taken a week off but are now already working on next year's show.

The photo, at right, shows the module that won "Best in Show" for this year.  It is a section of a larger layout that I highlighted previously in another blog entry (before I knew it won "Best in Show") because I felt it was exceptional.  Apparently the judges agreed with me!

I just saw in the February newsletter that this year's show had the highest attendance ever!  That is saying something because this show is a very popular show every year.  This year's attendance was at 27,535.  That is a lot of people crowded into four buildings!  Of course, we are now post-pandemic and that makes a difference and the weather was good which also makes a difference for those people who are traveling more than a half hour or so.  We've been to some shows during snowstorms and the attendance was very low.  

Each show awards grants to railroads and railroad organizations.  They've also awarded grants to the local Children's Hospital.  Since 1991, they have awarded $829,252 to railroad preservation and restoration projects all over the country.  

This year there were 389 exhibitors and the organizers had to turn away a lot of exhibitors.  We'll see what they plan to do next year...  continue to turn away potential exhibitors or expand.  I highly doubt they will expand nor do I even know if there is another building next to these four buildings that would be suitable for this show.  My guess is they will probably continue to have a waiting list for those new exhibitors who hope to get some floor space at the show.

I'd say that this year's show was a big success for the Amherst Railway Society.  They do a great job every year but they hit some big milestones this year.  I don't know what they would do without John Sacerdote!  He really has built the biggest and best train show in the country.  

Now, if they could just get rid of the annoyingly pushy salesmen that plagued this year's show...
