Great Weather, for a change... Lousy Health, as usual

We finally managed to see some sunshine today! This is something we have not seen here in Waterbury in such a long time that I felt as though I was in a foreign land on a foreign planet! Seeing sunshine and deep blue skies hasn't occurred in so long that it truly appeared as strange as a mint green sky. 

It was a perfect day to finally get a few projects accomplished outdoors. Unfortunately, my health was not cooperating so I stayed indoors and tried to recover.

My health started heading south late last night after a very filling dinner. I certainly know better than to eat too much (this is one of my triggers for anaphylaxis and gastro-instestinal issues too disgusting to describe here) but dinner was a delicious prime rib and I could not help myself. Nausea set in... some bad cramping... a number of visits to the bathroom... a gurgling stomach all night long... anti-nausea medications were necessary as were extra H2 blockers to help stabilize my health before I crashed into anaphylaxis.  

I eventually stabilized my gastro-intestinal tract enough to lay down in bed in the wee hours of the morning. Needless to say, I was pretty worn out today. 

As the morning progressed, I knew I needed extra sleep today so I camped out on the couch today and slept most of the day away. After dinner, my face, neck and shoulders started to flush and some small hives started to appear so I added some additional medications to the mix. This type of flushing is typically a precursor to anaphylaxis. Thus far, I seem to be staying ahead of the failing health by pre-medicating so that is good.

I just wish I could have taken advantage of the unusually beautiful weather we had today.

Maybe tomorrow...
