Sunday Dinner at Our House

Grammy and Kenzie...
Once or twice each month, we invite a few family and friends over for dinner on a Sunday.  This past Sunday was one of those Sundays.

Frank and Christine had just returned home from their wedding and honeymoon in Hawaii so it was nice to see them.  We skimmed through the first batch of photos from their trip...   around a thousand...  and we look forward to seeing the rest of the photos when they have them all uploaded and ready for viewing.  We even viewed a video of their Hawaiian beach wedding ceremony!  It was really nice to see the newlyweds and hear about their long tropical pacific trip.  As always, we enjoyed their company this past Sunday.

Sheila's parents, Liza and the grandchildren were here as well.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the day together as well as the dinner.

Story time...
For dinner, I roasted a large top round roast beef...  herb encrusted...  with fresh garlic cloves embedded in the roast.  We also had mashed potatoes, a really nice gravy, green beans with sliced garlic and sliced almonds, and dinner biscuits.  Considering the amount of food that was eaten and the number of people who went back for second and third helpings, I think the meal was well appreciated.  I know I liked it very much!

Sheila's mom helped considerably with the cleanup and that is definitely appreciated. By the time I finished cooking, my back had had enough of standing so I needed to get off my feet.  While Sue was tackling the dinner dishes, Sheila ushered the kids off into the shower for a quick shower, cleanup and pajamas.  

Oh, and we had a nice dessert, compliments of Sheila's mom, Sue.  Sue brought an apple cake from the bakery where she bakes.  

All in all, it was a really nice day!   

We look forward to the next Sunday dinner at our house...

A small photo album can be viewed here - Grandbabies - Sept, 2013.

They each received a new sweatshirt from Grammy...  they actually enjoyed wearing them this way!
