A New Blog... Finally Making Some Progress!

I am so far behind in managing my websites that I am finding it quite overwhelming.  My health has been so poor over the past four months that I have fallen behind in everything.  I have a piano website that is in desperate need of editing.  I have an art and photography website that needs so much work that it is not even operational at this point.  And, to make matters worse in how I feel about falling behind, I have a lot of friends whom are really looking forward to seeing this art and photography site. 

I happened to make some headway on my art and photography website last night and this morning.  I hope to have that website up and running, with a working shopping cart, within the next week or two.  Of course, I have said this before... 

Not only have I fallen way behind in managing my websites, but I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the house repairs/renovations we need to squeeze into our short summer season.  I have not accomplished even half of what I planned to accomplish on the house this winter.  So I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by that as well.

At some point in the past year or two, I had decided that in addition to my two websites I should start at least one blog that is a 'generic' blog with no specific set subject.  That would be this blog.  I could easily add two other blogs devoted to my two websites and I plan to have those up and running very soon.  The photography and art blog will include writings about photo shoots, photos, paintings and artwork I have created.  The piano blog will discuss teaching methods, piano pieces, and just general music topics. 

Let's focus on this particular blog for the moment.  This particular blog will focus on my daily life by simply documenting and sharing any thoughts I might have at any particular moment.   This could entail subjects such as my health, medical appointments, current events, hobbies, and especially any difficulties I might be having as a result of my poor health.

So, be forewarned, this blog could sound a bit depressing at times.  That being said, I suppose that is life with a chronic, painful and incurable illness.  For this very reason, I stopped keeping a journal about a year after being diagnosed with Systemic Mastocytosis.  I found that having to write about my poor health everyday was really bumming me out!  But I think it is time to start writing again for a few reasons.

The first reason is I rarely see many of my friends anymore because of my health and, at times, I feel as though many of these friends are under the impression that 'no news is good news'.  Let me just say right now that this is not the case.  So, if my friends should come across this blog, they will now know that rarely is 'no news is good news' an accurate assessment.

Another reason to begin writing again is because during a recent visit to the hospital in Boston, I realized that I have 'normalized' my everyday poor health.  I have a 'new normal' and, as a result, I myself have minimized just how poor my health is now each and every day.  This painful lousy overall health is actually my everday health and therefore has become 'normal' for me.  So, if I start writing about the struggles I have in accomplishing things as well as sharing those things I do manage to accomplish, I should begin to see that my life is far from normal. 

I should also warn everyone about how scattered I could be due to this illness.  I suffer from many cognitive issues, some of which can be quite severe at times, but I quite often have what is referred to as 'brain fog' by Systemic Mastocytosis patients.  This brain fog makes concentrating and focus almost impossible at times.  Sometimes I have difficulty speaking.  Other times I have difficulty with reasoning and simple decisionmaking.  Just trying to decide upon a meal can be overwhelmingly frustrating during these times.  Because of this brain fog, this blog may occasionally be just a collection of 'scattered thoughts'...  hence the title of the blog.

So, here I am with a new blog and my first post.  This should be interesting!
