
I feel as though my weeks-long cold is finally waning which is good news, however, I think this cold has had a tremendously negative impact upon my primary illness.

The bad news is that I am well beyond exhausted.

It is clear that I am not thinking clearly... I screwed up tonight's dinner... I spent time and energy preparing a pork roast, hoping for a few days of leftovers... seasoned it, seared it, put it in the oven... and three hours later realized that I never turned on the oven. After sitting unrefrigerated for close to four hours, the roast went into the garbage. 

Simply walking to and from the bathroom is an exhausting task. 

Showering will require more energy than I have to expend so it is not something I have even attempted in the past day or two.

My eyes don't want to stay open. 

Just the simple, thoughless, involuntary act of breathing while sitting on the couch is using up energy as though I were playing a grueling game of basketball. 

I'm exhausted... and, I'm quite weary of being exhausted far more often than feeling relatively normal.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Regardless, I will be seeing my doctor in a few days.
