Our Thermometer Hit Triple Digits Today

This weather is brutal for my health! Our thermometer hit triple digits this afternoon and that is extremely dangerous for my health. Warm environments cause my health to deteriorate quickly and dangerously.

Other than a medical appointment first thing this morning with Sheila, I've been accomplishing absolutely nothing lately. I'm not even sure I would imply that getting to a medical appointment is an "accomplishment"...  but, it is something I managed to do without my health crashing.

I have resorted to residing in our air conditioned living room which is at a comfortable 75 degrees... a much more comfortable and mastocytosis-friendly environment especially when compared to the triple digit temperatures outdoors!

Whenever I have had to wander from the living room and into the heat (for instance, going into another room in the house), my health would begin to crash quickly. There is no doubt that heat is my kryptonite. These short trips from the living room caused weak, wobbly legs weakening my body more the longer I was out of the air conditioning.

Extreme climates such as this are like an alien environment for me and my body... I can't breath... I get nauseated... my legs don't want to cooperate with my brain... my legs get weak and wobbly... I can't think clearly... I feel like I am being crushed by an alien atmosphere.... I sort of feel as though I am trying to walk on the bottom of lava encrusted sea more than 50 feet under bubbling hot water. 

I feel okay when I am in the air conditioning on days like this but I have to say that I am bored beyond belief. I've been biding my time doing a little research online for our renovations, for some photography projects, for model railroading projects, etc, but this is more like window shopping since I am unable to execute any plans right now. I feel like I am waiting in limbo. There is so much I want to do and I am incapable to doing any of it right now due to our current agonizing weather and how it significantly impacts my health.

On the positive side, Sheila had off today so after her medical appointment with her Ophthalmologist this morning (her eye is still mending and coming along well.... she needs about six more weeks of medications and another appointment in three weeks), we then headed out to breakfast. That certainly was nice. We even took the scenic route back home. So, I was able to spend the day with Sheila and that was really nice.  

I'm hoping this ridiculous heat breaks soon!  There are a lot of things I would like to accomplish but now I am not only contending with my everyday health obstacles, but the weather has become a significant and dangerous obstacle.

Let's hope this heat breaks soon...
