A Spattering of Photos

We've been so busy that I haven't had many opportunities to share some photos so, while it is raining and the house is quiet because our guests haven't arrived just yet, I thought it would be a good time to share some photos...

We had a really nice visit with Tom and Karen for a couple of days. We kayaked the longer length of the lake and explored some marshes and the dam... 

Our young airman visited a few times (the one wearing the dog tags)... 

One of our many sunsets as viewed from the deck...

This shot, below, is a long exposure shot. It was almost completely dark outside but I kept my shutter open for 10 seconds which brightened the sky considerably and it also smoothed out the surface of the lake... a nice landscape shot...

The loons (and all wildlife, for that matter) have been rather elusive this year. My latest loon count is at only four loons on the lake this year. Last year we had at least seven... I know this since I captured seven loons in one single photo. I suspect there were probably more than seven last year though. This year the lake has been quiet with a lack of loon calls and, generally speaking, a lack of wildlife other than the usual birds found in most neighborhoods. It has been eerily quiet this year.

That being said, one evening we were visited by this pair of loons, below. They kept their distance but they did linger out in front of the house for quite some time. As I laid prone on our dock, I managed to capture a few decent photos but, unfortunately, they were just a hair too far away and they seemed to know to stay between me and the sun which made for difficult conditions for photography. Here is one decent shot though...

Of course, I have hundreds upon hundreds of other photos I have shot in the past week or so and you can expect to see more photos here in the coming days...

Now it is time to get to the kitchen to make some watermelon salsa and a pasta salad...  lots of cutting and chopping to be done...  
